What is constipation?
The constipation or constipation is a disorder characterized by difficulty in emptying the regular ' intestine. When you have constipation because less than two or three bowel movements a week. In industrialized countries
altemente about 20% of the population of this nuisance, especially in female .
What causes constipation?
Among the causes are certainly:
1) improper eating habits and diet of fiber and water ;
2) lack of a ' regular physical activity, sedentary work , alcohol abuse or smoking , stess, anxiety , concerns, rates frantic work, nervousness ;
3) will greatly affect the drugs' gastro-intestinal apparatus, such as excessive use of irritant laxatives .
Constipation in pregnancy
During pregnancy occur several hormonal imbalances. Some of them favor the muscle relaxation liscia e una diminuzione della peristalsi intestinale e la compressione da parte dell'utero sulla parte finale dell'intestino.
Tutti questi fattori contribuiscono a dare episodi di stitichezza.
E' bene prestare una particolare attenzione ai farmaci che si assumono durante la gravidanza.
La stitichezza nell'anziano
Negli anziani la stipsi è molto frequente. Le cause sono di diverso tipo: la scarsa attività fisica, la scarsa introduzione di liquidi, l'uso di farmaci, disturbi neurologici, lunghi periodi di inattività a letto. La dieta è molto importante: deve essere ricca e varia, l'introduzione di frutta e verdura è important, such as bread, pasta, whole grains.
It 'also not to use laxatives, irritants in these cases, while those salts are preferred.
1) follow a balanced diet , but not restrictive. The amount of food you take must be appropriate, so that it can be stimulated intestinal muscle .
most important foods are vegetables, soy, fresh fruit, wholemeal bread and cereals. The foods are not recommended
the processed cheese, the chocolate the meat, the liver , the rice and refined flour.
2) recommended taking yogurt (contains lactic ) and yeast , effective natural remedies for constipation.
3) eat food slowly and finely ground, following regular schedules.
4) drink at least 1.5 to 2 liters of fluid a day. They are in fact fundamental to keep the stool soft. Toggle what you drink water (soups, tea, juices).
5) the ntestino is fond of good eating habits, then try to go to the bathroom at the same time, even if you feel a little stimulation. It also does not suppress the need ever go to the bathroom, because it ignores could suppress it.
6) try to relax even in the period prior to going to the bathroom, trying to relax even the intestinal mucosa.
7) do some exercise every day, even small walks or simple exercises to keep the general body musculature and the gut. If you sweat a lot, we must compensate with an adequate intake of other liquids. Keep the belly while walking, in order to tighten the abdominal muscles that may have micro-stimulating the bowel.
8) the laxatives are not always good. They can increase peristalsis but their effectiveness is limited in time. They can also be irritants in the long run, giving addictive. Laxatives in fact do not cure the disease , but only its symptoms .
9) try to relax throughout the day, taking short breaks. The fact stress affects the activity of ' intestine, making lazy.
10) if the problem becomes a real disease, chronic, you should consult a specialist .
The constipation or constipation is a disorder characterized by difficulty in emptying the regular ' intestine. When you have constipation because less than two or three bowel movements a week. In industrialized countries
altemente about 20% of the population of this nuisance, especially in female .
What causes constipation?
Among the causes are certainly:
1) improper eating habits and diet of fiber and water ;
2) lack of a ' regular physical activity, sedentary work , alcohol abuse or smoking , stess, anxiety , concerns, rates frantic work, nervousness ;
3) will greatly affect the drugs' gastro-intestinal apparatus, such as excessive use of irritant laxatives .
Constipation in pregnancy
During pregnancy occur several hormonal imbalances. Some of them favor the muscle relaxation liscia e una diminuzione della peristalsi intestinale e la compressione da parte dell'utero sulla parte finale dell'intestino.
Tutti questi fattori contribuiscono a dare episodi di stitichezza.
E' bene prestare una particolare attenzione ai farmaci che si assumono durante la gravidanza.
La stitichezza nell'anziano
Negli anziani la stipsi è molto frequente. Le cause sono di diverso tipo: la scarsa attività fisica, la scarsa introduzione di liquidi, l'uso di farmaci, disturbi neurologici, lunghi periodi di inattività a letto. La dieta è molto importante: deve essere ricca e varia, l'introduzione di frutta e verdura è important, such as bread, pasta, whole grains.
It 'also not to use laxatives, irritants in these cases, while those salts are preferred.
1) follow a balanced diet , but not restrictive. The amount of food you take must be appropriate, so that it can be stimulated intestinal muscle .
most important foods are vegetables, soy, fresh fruit, wholemeal bread and cereals. The foods are not recommended
the processed cheese, the chocolate the meat, the liver , the rice and refined flour.
2) recommended taking yogurt (contains lactic ) and yeast , effective natural remedies for constipation.
3) eat food slowly and finely ground, following regular schedules.
4) drink at least 1.5 to 2 liters of fluid a day. They are in fact fundamental to keep the stool soft. Toggle what you drink water (soups, tea, juices).
5) the ntestino is fond of good eating habits, then try to go to the bathroom at the same time, even if you feel a little stimulation. It also does not suppress the need ever go to the bathroom, because it ignores could suppress it.
6) try to relax even in the period prior to going to the bathroom, trying to relax even the intestinal mucosa.
7) do some exercise every day, even small walks or simple exercises to keep the general body musculature and the gut. If you sweat a lot, we must compensate with an adequate intake of other liquids. Keep the belly while walking, in order to tighten the abdominal muscles that may have micro-stimulating the bowel.
8) the laxatives are not always good. They can increase peristalsis but their effectiveness is limited in time. They can also be irritants in the long run, giving addictive. Laxatives in fact do not cure the disease , but only its symptoms .
9) try to relax throughout the day, taking short breaks. The fact stress affects the activity of ' intestine, making lazy.
10) if the problem becomes a real disease, chronic, you should consult a specialist .