L 'influenza A H1N1 is an acute viral infection of the respiratory system. The H1N1 virus is just. The clinical manifestations are mild and similar to those of seasonal influenza.
The transmission is through droplets of saliva through coughing or sneezing of people affected, or by direct contact with infected material such as paper towels used, surfaces with respiratory secretions, such as contacts kisses, hugs, etc. .
For protect themselves from influenza A virus , you have to take certain precautions.
First of all it is good to wash your mani spesso con acqua e sapone, specialmente dopo aver starnutito, tossito oppure essersi soffiati il naso.
E' meglio tossire o starnutire in un fazzoletto di carta, e dopo l'uso gettarlo sempre nel cestino, rilavandosi ancora una volta le mani.
Se necessario รจ utile l'uso di mascherine igieniche in caso di assistenza prolungata a una persona malata.
Mantenere le superfici pulite, come maniglie delle porte, tastiere, tavoli, e disinfettarle.
I sintomi sono febbre superiore ai 38 gradi, tosse, mal di gola, raffreddore, brividi, dolori muscolari, articolari. Nei bambini sono frequenti anche stomachache, diarrhea, vomiting.
stay home, rest, limit contact with others to avoid spreading the disease. Wear appropriate hygiene mask, and avoid going to medical facilities if there is no need.
If symptoms worsen or persist for too long, you should consult your family doctor. If you have small children even more.
The vaccine
For information on the vaccine you can call the toll free number 800 033 033 weekdays dalle 8,30 alle 17,30 e il sabato dalle 8,30 alle 13,30.
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