Big Brother: Alessia deleted, Veronica chooses Sarah Sarah
Romania does not meet Maximus and the bunny: "You are my life"
Meanwhile, George is celebrating its compleannocon engagement ring
The sixteenth episode of Big Brother, what makes the reality of the longest history, has focused on the meetings of love - that of George Carmela sugellato the ring and the engagement Veronica and between Max and Sarah, prefer to see the Neapolitan - and resentments and tensions that revolve around Mauro, such a character, for better or for worse, set off by death threats against the authors who Alessia Marcuzzi gave an official response and staff during the evening.
Message not softens Mauro Veronica Mauro
and Alessia, who appointed two of the evening, have left a message in these days tenants in view of the possible abandonment of the House. The first, Alessia, is a reflection on the experience in the House. She recalled Massimo and the relationship he had with him and then get on to describe his profound relationship with Veronica, who feels very close to her. The Perugia said she felt herself to have finally overcome the limitations due to Big Brother. The competitor
Treviso instead consider a dream to have arrived in the House. In particular we talk about Veronica that has always been close despite his "pranks" and he "will always bring in the heart, as will everyone in the heart." The Roman did not even want to give weight to the emotion that has been evident sul volto del veneto e l'ha paragonata a quelle lacrime che il ragazzo ha versato quando è uscita Sarah dopo le quali ha ballato la tarantella.
Veronica sceglie Sarah e non incontra Massimo
Al Grande Fratello spesso bisogna prendere scelte difficili. Questa volta tocca a Veronica che deve scegliere chi incontrare tra l’innamoratissimo Massimo e l’amica del cuore Sarah. La romana non ha dubbi e sceglie subito la napoletana. Ovviamente Massimo non l’ha presa benissimo e con gli occhi lucidi ha detto: «Me lo aspettavo, come dice mia madre incasso e porto a casa!». Quando le due si sono rincontrate, Veronica è scoppiata in lacrime: «Ti voglio con me tutta la life, you've got to wait. " Sarah, just as emotions, she replied: "You are my constant thought, I think of you every day." Between the two strong bond of friendship that seems to have remained the same in the House.
For George birthday with an engagement ring
The last episode was Carmela was informed that there were pictures of George portrayed him with some girls in a disco in attitudes little "respect" of his girlfriend . In the following days, Carmela, had often reflected on what had been said, never having seen the incriminating photos (see photos) that were delivered in the usual black carrier bag di brutte notizie. La siciliana, però, si è mostrata più sicura che mai, commentando così le immagini: «Non è questo che mi fa cambiare idea, quando mi sono avvicinata a lui sapevo che lui avrebbe fatto questo tipo di vita. Se sono solo queste immagini e queste foto non mi dà fastidio. Il mio sentimento è pulito, bello, non ho nulla da temere». Poco prima la conduttrice aveva "convocato" nella Stanza delle Sorprese Mara, dove ha trovato un pacco con un contenuto molto particolare: un vestito da sera da indossare per fare da "testimone" ai due fidanzati.
Il "principe" incontra nella Stanza delle Sorprese arredata in stile ‘San Valentino’, ed esclama a Carmela: «Le photos were made to entertain, I'm sorry, but I was with your brother! I suffered so much because it calls into question my feelings, while you're all my life, I have a gift that you must give me a ring. " Mara has formalized the commitment of both with a nice letter, which ended with a warning to George: "If you treat her badly, you will invest with the car."
Alessia is eliminated and clashes with Nicola
the beginning of episode two of the appointed evening, Alessandra and Mauro, had access to 100 seconds each to "convince" the viewers not to vote for them. In the end the verdict of the public were in line with competitors in the House expected: Alessia out of reality and Mauro still inside. Mauro said of the decision so that the public loves him: "I can not be happy, Alessia, I was always at hand." The blonde Alessia, who remained in the house 42 days, arrived in the studio, had a confrontation on with the Marquis Nicola: 'Since You've Been Gone are reborn, you've taken with the weakest and you ally with stronger. " Nicola's response was not long in coming: "I'm not fake, if you have to tell you what you say in the face."
Death threats to the authors, the reaction of the reality
Some of the decisions taken during the last episode of week had sparked quite a few reactions on the internet by fans of different competitors. Alessia Marcuzzi wanted to read an official statement of the authors we explain some of the decisions taken. After his well reasoned opinion about the blasphemy of Maximus, the presenter has condemned especially the tone of emails received, many of them containing death threats to the authors.
Weekly test passed through the sprint Alberto
cultural After many trials, for boys it was the turn of a weekly test of true explorers. Alberto, Cristina, George and Veronica had to make an obstacle course Indiana Jones-style, between the "Chinese wall", followed by "palude amazzonica", la "selva di bambù", il "triangolo delle Bermuda" e la "duna nel deserto". Dopo le buone prove di Veronica e Giorgio, c'era preoccupazione per la performance di Cristina, non molto predisposta per le prove atletiche. La ragazza cerca di fare del suo meglio, ma è Alberto, l'ultimo esploratore della staffetta, a compiere il miracolo: in tempo record compie l'intero percorso terminandolo quando manca solo un secondo. Completamente sporchi di fango, i quattro concorrenti superano la prova e si aggiudicano il budget settimanale per la spesa.
Sette ragazzi in nomination
Il tour nel confessionale per le nomination porta a una classifica finale che mette a rischio eliminazione ben sette boys. Only Maicol, George and Albert are saved. Remote voting is therefore open to Gianluca Mauro, Carmela, Carmen, Christina, Mara La Stampa and Veronica
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