Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Katie Playground Gallery

Eyes Closed ... ...

... Do not cover the eyes to be false words, do not fall into easy foul language of clever charlatans ...
unstable equilibrium ... What we live!
... There is an illusion to discover new and better light but real 'then the weather turns out as great deception ...
... We are all strong in words ... yes only in words ... know avoid the pitfalls and the machinations orchestrated on purpose ... but the facts are more ... new cheats for new and emerging stunning illusions vanish and inflict scratches soul and new scars in the hearts ...
... Maybe it's just so ... but maybe it's also the easiest way that some choose it as a way of life ... illusion to illusion ... not hurt to get hurt
... I see, I listen to reflect costs a thousand words, but ... I never see or only rarely does not become of these promises and faint wisps ...
... I collect the tears of people often so bitterly deluded and suffering ...
... And now I wonder why the dude the entire false to say ...
... But it's so hard to present itself with honesty and although in its simplicity limit?
... I do not think people have nothing else that amaze ...
... In each of us is a world to discover and give if you really want ...
... But perhaps the age of appearance of empty talk and fingers pointing to accuse others to be the only way to survive is to be what 'that is not!
... But I find a paucity of stupidity and a very uplifting and very little for intelligent people and worthy of consideration ...
... I still will, with stubborn conviction, a different world and to believe that there are other mass in the pile of white flies that really know how to just be themselves ..
Or maybe at least I hope so because if not of the heart that you live for?



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