Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My Fish Keeps Swimming In The Filter Stream, Why?

Sex for Women Sexually Transmitted Diseases

L ' incontinence often occurs during sexual intercourse in women of a certain age.
It is simply loss of urine during intercourse.
Many women have this problem which is difficult to explain and may have implications for the relationship.

Often small leaks of urine that occurs during sex, are due to stress incontinence. An effort fact, however small (a movement, a change of position or otherwise) can exert pressure abdominal that, in turn, may cause a small leakage of urine without notifying the stimulus. This is due to the fact that the walls pelvic , with the passage of ' age, are eroding. The muscles that are in fact no longer able to work as before when the abdominal pressure increases.
In other cases, the bladder that can cause these losses. In fact, it can contract involuntarily, causing urine leakage. The contraction in turn may result from emotions and often losses occur during the ' orgasm. But this is due to a momentary loss of control of the nervous system on the bladder.
Also during the sexual act, the front wall of the vagina swells and this pressure often leads to the stimulation of the bladder.
In other cases there may be losses , Such as during pregnancy , when conducting vigorous exercise for overweight , surgical trauma, physiological predispositions, and more.
Nature is good to go from doctor so that we can understand what the exact cause of incontinence.

But do not underestimate the psychological problem . In fact, many women feel uncomfortable not have the courage to speak, became worried and close like a clam with its companion , even in moments of 'anxiety . In these cases the

dialogue is the first thing. Talk to your partner, a doctor, your gynecologist or a sexologist can lead to benefits and help to take the first step towards a sexual serenity. This type of consultation, although many women feel the shame , is a continuous increase, a sign that there is ample confidence in the specialist.
Today, in fact, the techniques for finding the correct urinary function are many and often allow for a satisfying sex life.

Among the ways doctors can determine the type of incontinence is the ' urodynamics. This is a test which aims to assess the functioning of the bladder e determinare le cause dell'incontinenza.
Tra i vari metodi, importanti sono quelli di rieducazione perineale, il biofeedback : si tratta di far contrarre i muscoli tramite una sonda intravaginale e un elettrodo , collegati a uno schermo in grado di valutare l'efficacia della contrazione . Questo consente alla paziente di prendere coscienza della funzionalità dei suoi muscoli. Oltre a questo, c'è anche l' elettrostimolazione magnetica, utilissima per stimolare in profondità i muscoli del pavimento pelvico.

IL PERINEOMETRO è uno strumento che aiuta a rinforzare i muscoli della vagina e del perineo per poter risolvere i problemi di incontinenza da sforzo. Sembra che questo metodo sia molto efficace per ridurre l'incontinenza e che sia anche in grado di sviluppare la capacità di provare l'orgasmo.


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