Sunday, September 14, 2008

When Is Davids Bridal Sale

Quali sono le MTS più conosciute?

Le Malattie a Trasmissione Sessuale più conosciute sono senz'altro la sifilide , la gonorrea e l' AIDS .
Molto diffuse sono inoltre l' Herpes Genitale , il Papilloma Virus, le HPV ( Epatiti virali A B e C).

Le MTS sono tutte sintomatiche?

Non tutte le MTS are symptomatic. Some may be present without symptoms to be of major importance, while others cause ulcers or loss mucosa.
Of great importance is the fact that the infected person , even without symptoms, Piò transmit the infection to sexual partners !

How to prevent STDs?

First of all have to know the mode of transmission of ' infection and avoid risky behavior.
E ' must use the condom during intercourse sex with casual partners or partners with MTS to reduce (and not necessarily avoided!) the risk of contagion .
should avoid direct contact with the blood infected (not sharing razors , tooth brushes, scissors nail, used syringes).
E 'need to make visits periodic medical check also to highlight the disease that does not give symptoms.
It 's important to do the test selling recommended by a doctor early diagnosis.
For some of these diseases exist vaccinations (Hepatitis B, Hepatitis A, HPV).

to remember!

Ricordate che l'uso della pillola anticoncezionale, della spirale o l'intervento di legatura delle tube servono soltanto ad evitare la gravidanza , ma NON PROTEGGONO dalle MTS.

Molte MTS sono curabili con una semplice terapia, quindi non spaventatevi!

La diagnosi precoce è molto importante per evitare complicanze e per la diffusione del contagio.

AIDS (Sindrome da Immunodeficenza Acquisita)

E' una malattia causata da un virus che si trova nel sangue, nello sperma , nelle secrezioni vaginali e le latte materno delle persone infette.

Il CONTAGIO può avvenire nei seguenti modi:

-- rapporti sessuali non protetti con persone infette ( eterosessuali ed omosessuali );
-- contatto con sangue infetto (scambio di siringhe infette, strumenti per tatuaggi e piercing contaminati con sangue infetto, uso di oggetti in comune come forbici rasoi ecc.);
-- passaggio dalla madre infetta al bambino durante la gravidanza, il parto e l' allattamento al seno.

I SINTOMI sono di diverso tipo. I malati di AIDS possono rimanere senza sintomi per lunghi periodi, ma trasmettono l'infezione anche durante questo periodo di benessere. Occorre un test specifico to detect the disease.


'an infection caused by a virus present in genital .

Infection occurs during unprotected sexual contact with mucous INFECTION.

the symptoms are different. Most people have no symptoms or they are very mild. While others may experience painful ulcers in the genitals that occur repeatedly.

papillomavirus (HPV)

E 'an infection caused by different viruses. Some give rise to warts ( genital warts), while others also come to give, in the course of several years cancer of the lining of ' uterus, the vagina of penis or of' anus.

Infection occurs during unprotected sex. Condom use, however, is not always able to protect against this type of infection that can also affect areas of skin not covered by the condom itself.
Today there is an HPV vaccine, which protects against cancer of the uterus caused by two prevalent strains of HPV, but does not protect against all strains able to cancer.
E 'therefore important to regularly undergo periodic medical examinations (pelvic examination, pap test , visit infectious disease) for those who are vaccinated.

the symptoms are of different kinds. Genital warts can make noise during sex or even bleed. While strains that may develop into cancer if not do not give symptoms in the advanced stage.

viral hepatitis (A, B and C)

are viral diseases that predominantly affect the liver .

Infection occurs through contact with the blood of people infected vaginal secretions (especially hepatitis B), and transmission from mother to child during pregnancy or childbirth.

symptoms are:
- acute hepatitis and jaundice (yellow della pelle e degli occhi) e dolore al fegato;
-- stato di portatore senza sintomi, ovvero la persona non ha sintomi ma trasmette la malattia;
-- malattia cronica: l'epatite B e la C in particolar modo, possono progredire in 20-30 anni, fino a dare cirrosi epatica o tumori al fegato.


E' una malattia causata da un batterio ( spirocheta ) presente nei genitali e nelle lesioni cutanee.

IL CONTAGIO avviene per rapporti sessuali non protetti con persone infette e contatto con le lesioni cutanee che si manifestano nel corso della malattia.
Una cosa importante da sapere è che la malattia può essere transmitted from mother to fetus during pregnancy and, depending on the status of the mother's illness, can cause death in utero or birth of a child with congenital syphilis.

the symptoms are often not significant in nature, but early on you may notice a painless ulceration of the genitals, in the most severe stains may appear skin (especially on palms of the hands and feet plant ) or brain disorders .


It 's a disease caused by a bacteria (gonococcus ) present in genital purulent secretions of infected persons.

Infection occurs unprotected sex with infected people.

symptoms are loss of purulent material (especially in men) from the genitals. If not treated, it can give pelvic inflammatory disease and infertility in women.

chlamydial urethritis and cervicitis

diseases are widespread.

Infection occurs through unprotected sex.

the symptoms are different in men and women. In humans the disease is often asymptomatic or sometimes you have heartburn and secretions from ' urethra. In women the cervix uterine infections are often asymptomatic, but if not treated pelvic infection and may give sterility.



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