The Candida albicans is a fungus or a fungus microscopic in size that can populate the microflora vaginal . In
vagina of a woman because the mucosa is populated by numerous microorganisms "friends" in balance.
But sometimes it may happen that this balance is compromised. This can lead to colonization by Candida, which can lead to infection, vulvo-vaginal mycosis that , hitting the vagina but also the vulva (consisting of small and big lips).
The vaginal microflora of the vagina protects itself from external attacks and bad microorganisms. One of the defense mechanisms is the production of lactic acid that maintains vaginal acidity to a pH around of 4.0 or 4.5. Often, however, some women are more likely than others to increase these values, resulting in alteration of the bacterial microflora .
Why get infected?
The fungus candida occurs when there are factors that alter the balance of vaginal or deplete the immune system.
Among the possible causes are:
1) the pregnancy, during which estrogens alter the vaginal environment making it more suitable for the proliferation of Candida;
2) an unbalanced diet , devoid of any substance nutrients that the body needs, such as a slimming regime molto stretto;
3) l' uso di abiti stretti e non traspiranti per lunghi periodi di tempo, che aumentano l'umidità locale;
4) lo stress , che può diminuire le difese immunitarie;
5) l' uso di antibiotici o altri farmaci che abbassano le difese immunitarie;
6) scorrette procedure di igiene intima , con involontario trasferimento della candida proveniente dall'intestino verso la regione genitale;
7) uso di contraccettivi ormonali orali ;
8) malattie infettive , come ad es. l'influenza o il raffreddore, che compromettono le difese immunitarie;
9) il diabete , malattia leading to an increase of glucose in the tissues and thus create more favorable conditions for the onset of the growth of candida;
10) a prolonged iron deficiency.
How to tell when it is white?
In most cases symptoms are recognizable. Every woman has always in fact often the same symptoms and is able to recognize the infection.
Symptoms frequently :
1) often intense itching;
2) burning, usually accentuated when urinating;
3) vaginal abundant white (leukorrhea ) Similar to ricotta and often odorless;
4) redness and swelling of the mucous concerned;
5) pain during sexual intercourse.
How is it treated?
Candida care using antifungal drugs, anti fungal that is hampering their growth and reproduction. The
clotrimazole is the active ingredient in Gyno-Canesten and is indicated for the treatment. It penetrates the tissues in quantities sufficient to act poorly, but passes into the bloodstream, thus limiting its spread throughout the body.
Use with care during pregnancy.
The Gyno Canesten exists in two versions: 2% vaginal cream and vaginal tablets 100 mg.
In both cases you should not be taken during the period .
How is candida during pregnancy?
Many women have this problem. In the last 4-6 weeks of pregnancy in cases of infection can be used Gyno Canesten vaginal tablets, but only under direct medical supervision.
E 'can have sex?
In the presence of white would be better to abstain from sexual intercourse , especially in case of pain, to allow the mucosa to heal completely.
If you choose not to abstain is recommended to use the condom . It 'should also discuss them with your partner to inform it. The condom is in fact a barrier to prevent the passage of the candidates partner, which in turn will be infected and transmit the fungus.
Note the use of Canesten may reduce the effectiveness and safety of latex products such as condoms and diaphragms. The effect is temporary and occurs only when taking the drug.
When you need to consult the gynecologist?
1) if it is the first time that you are suffering from vaginal mycosis;
2) if after 3-4 days of treatment with the drug self-medication do not have any improvement;
3) if there were more than 4 fungi in the last year
4) if you are pregnant;
5) if you are suffering from symptoms which may indicate the presence of other diseases such as malodorous vaginal discharge with traces of blood, unusual or unexpected bleeding, severe pain in the lower abdomen, genital lesions, fever, nausea / vomiting, diarrhea.
How to prevent yeast infections?
E 'follow some useful tips to avoid and prevent the arrival or return of the candida.
1) take many fibers, especially if you suffer from constipation .
2) lavarsi a livello intimo in modo equilibrato , non troppo ma neanche troppo poco.
Preferire un detergente intimo con ph intorno a 5 e lavarsi usando un movimento da avanti a indietro, per evitare di trascinare da dietro verso la vagina eventuali microrganismi facenti parte della flora batterica intestinale. La candida si trova infatti normalmente nell'intestino.
3) evitare vestiti che non lasciano traspirare la pelle , come i collants e i pantaloni troppo stretti. Durante la notte è inoltre consigliato non usare le mutandine.
4) evitare l'uso di salvaslip in fibra sintetica e utilizzare solo assorbenti di puro cotone.
5) preferire la biancheria intima di cotone , fa traspirare meglio la pelle ed è più facile da lavare a fondo.
6) lavare la biancheria a una temperatura non inferiore a 60° , per liberare gli indumenti da funghi e batteri.
7) cambiare di frequente gli assorbenti interni ed evitarne l'impiego durante la notte.
8) evitare di usare troppe lavande vaginali interne che possono alterare l'ambiente vaginale.
vagina of a woman because the mucosa is populated by numerous microorganisms "friends" in balance.
But sometimes it may happen that this balance is compromised. This can lead to colonization by Candida, which can lead to infection, vulvo-vaginal mycosis that , hitting the vagina but also the vulva (consisting of small and big lips).
The vaginal microflora of the vagina protects itself from external attacks and bad microorganisms. One of the defense mechanisms is the production of lactic acid that maintains vaginal acidity to a pH around of 4.0 or 4.5. Often, however, some women are more likely than others to increase these values, resulting in alteration of the bacterial microflora .
Why get infected?
The fungus candida occurs when there are factors that alter the balance of vaginal or deplete the immune system.
Among the possible causes are:
1) the pregnancy, during which estrogens alter the vaginal environment making it more suitable for the proliferation of Candida;
2) an unbalanced diet , devoid of any substance nutrients that the body needs, such as a slimming regime molto stretto;
3) l' uso di abiti stretti e non traspiranti per lunghi periodi di tempo, che aumentano l'umidità locale;
4) lo stress , che può diminuire le difese immunitarie;
5) l' uso di antibiotici o altri farmaci che abbassano le difese immunitarie;
6) scorrette procedure di igiene intima , con involontario trasferimento della candida proveniente dall'intestino verso la regione genitale;
7) uso di contraccettivi ormonali orali ;
8) malattie infettive , come ad es. l'influenza o il raffreddore, che compromettono le difese immunitarie;
9) il diabete , malattia leading to an increase of glucose in the tissues and thus create more favorable conditions for the onset of the growth of candida;
10) a prolonged iron deficiency.
How to tell when it is white?
In most cases symptoms are recognizable. Every woman has always in fact often the same symptoms and is able to recognize the infection.
Symptoms frequently :
1) often intense itching;
2) burning, usually accentuated when urinating;
3) vaginal abundant white (leukorrhea ) Similar to ricotta and often odorless;
4) redness and swelling of the mucous concerned;
5) pain during sexual intercourse.
How is it treated?
Candida care using antifungal drugs, anti fungal that is hampering their growth and reproduction. The
clotrimazole is the active ingredient in Gyno-Canesten and is indicated for the treatment. It penetrates the tissues in quantities sufficient to act poorly, but passes into the bloodstream, thus limiting its spread throughout the body.
Use with care during pregnancy.
The Gyno Canesten exists in two versions: 2% vaginal cream and vaginal tablets 100 mg.
In both cases you should not be taken during the period .
How is candida during pregnancy?
Many women have this problem. In the last 4-6 weeks of pregnancy in cases of infection can be used Gyno Canesten vaginal tablets, but only under direct medical supervision.
E 'can have sex?
In the presence of white would be better to abstain from sexual intercourse , especially in case of pain, to allow the mucosa to heal completely.
If you choose not to abstain is recommended to use the condom . It 'should also discuss them with your partner to inform it. The condom is in fact a barrier to prevent the passage of the candidates partner, which in turn will be infected and transmit the fungus.
Note the use of Canesten may reduce the effectiveness and safety of latex products such as condoms and diaphragms. The effect is temporary and occurs only when taking the drug.
When you need to consult the gynecologist?
1) if it is the first time that you are suffering from vaginal mycosis;
2) if after 3-4 days of treatment with the drug self-medication do not have any improvement;
3) if there were more than 4 fungi in the last year
4) if you are pregnant;
5) if you are suffering from symptoms which may indicate the presence of other diseases such as malodorous vaginal discharge with traces of blood, unusual or unexpected bleeding, severe pain in the lower abdomen, genital lesions, fever, nausea / vomiting, diarrhea.
How to prevent yeast infections?
E 'follow some useful tips to avoid and prevent the arrival or return of the candida.
1) take many fibers, especially if you suffer from constipation .
2) lavarsi a livello intimo in modo equilibrato , non troppo ma neanche troppo poco.
Preferire un detergente intimo con ph intorno a 5 e lavarsi usando un movimento da avanti a indietro, per evitare di trascinare da dietro verso la vagina eventuali microrganismi facenti parte della flora batterica intestinale. La candida si trova infatti normalmente nell'intestino.
3) evitare vestiti che non lasciano traspirare la pelle , come i collants e i pantaloni troppo stretti. Durante la notte è inoltre consigliato non usare le mutandine.
4) evitare l'uso di salvaslip in fibra sintetica e utilizzare solo assorbenti di puro cotone.
5) preferire la biancheria intima di cotone , fa traspirare meglio la pelle ed è più facile da lavare a fondo.
6) lavare la biancheria a una temperatura non inferiore a 60° , per liberare gli indumenti da funghi e batteri.
7) cambiare di frequente gli assorbenti interni ed evitarne l'impiego durante la notte.
8) evitare di usare troppe lavande vaginali interne che possono alterare l'ambiente vaginale.