Saturday, January 30, 2010

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Nile: Veronica and I are straight

Just out of the Big Brother house, Sarah Nile, the former Bunny Playboy inside the house that changed the course of events, interviews and write statements in which attempts to explain how things really are on her and Veronica. According to Sarah, she and Veronica were just good friends, a friendship is a bit special, he admits, but no sex. And his argument is fossilized in his heterosexuality and that of Veronica: "There are many kinds of love. Ours is not going to touch the sexual sphere. We are straight in all respects, the kiss was just an exchange of mutual affection. Nothing more. " But the Italian public does not believe in his words, rather than to believe what he saw with his own eyes and that is two girls who share Sapphic kisses and hugs. And if the words of Sarah seem to want to convince everyone, in fact, are water from all sides.

He had never seen before them, two friends, even intimate, exchanging hugs and kisses in the same way Sarah and Veronica. His remarks, of course, will not appeal to Veronica when it comes out of the house, in which she loro rapporto ci ha creduto tanto, che sperava di portarselo anche fuori dalla casa, ma, evidentemente, per Sarah è stato solo uno show, niente di più.

Poi, il suo discorso si sposta su Gianluca e la sintonia venutasi a creare con lui: «Lo reputo brillante, un uomo che ha viaggiato, che ha vissuto e che ha da raccontare. Mi piace la sua voglia di scoprire e di farsi scoprire. E' molto interessato a entrare nel profondo delle persone e "spiare" negli angoli più remoti, pur di conoscere e capire. Mi ha colpito soprattutto questo».

Qualche parola viene spesa anche per Mauro , la sua ex fiamma all'interno della casa: «Sono passata dalla rabbia alla tristezza, al dolore, all'indifferenza. Sono arrivata agli ultimi giorni come se Mauro non esistesse più. Però nel momento in cui mi rendo conto che come giocatore hai giocato bene e hai vinto, ti do la mano».

Sunday, January 24, 2010

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GF10, hot night between Sarah and Gianluca

Grande Fratello 10 , Gianluca il new entry della casa e' sempre piu' corteggiato da Sarah, la coniglietta di playboy non lo molla un attimo, e lo stilista piu' famoso di Ibiza e' felice di piacere alla ragazza che giudica la piu' sexy e provocante della casa, il tipo di donna che a lui piace molto.

Gianluca e' molto passionale e tra la coppia si e' instaurato un bel rapporto, i due si sentono molto attratti reciprocamente e passano molto tempo insieme non solo a coccolarsi sul divano ma anche sotto le lenzuola. La scorsa notte la coppia e' stata protagonista di una lunga e calda notte fatta di sussurri, carezze e baci.

E' bastata la nomination di Sarah e Veronica per mettere un bel movimento nella casa del Grande Fratello, le due provocanti ragazze sono state le protagoniste indiscusse di questa settimana, mancano ancora due giorni alla diretta di Lunedi'……..cosa mai s' inventeranno di nuovo Sarah e Veronica?

Friday, January 22, 2010

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GF10 - Ciardi Veronica Berti Maicol kisses with his tongue .. erotic toys in the house!

Gli ormoni della bella romana sembrano aver perso il controllo.. dopo massimo,daniele,sarah,marco...ops dimentico qualcuno?
Veronica Ciardi per tenersi in allenamento durante un giochino erotico con la marmellata ..
si lascia andare bacio con la lingua appassionato e molto piccante altro che dolce...

il video:

Monday, January 18, 2010

Did Phil Harris Have A Wife

Big Brother: Daniele deleted, Carmela accepts the ring George Cora

L'ex broker durissimo con Veronica: «Ma vai fare film porno...»

La tredicesima puntata del Grande Fratello si apre all'insegna di George Leonard che annunciato alla vigilia di voler fare una proposta di matrimonio alla sua amata Carmela. Durante la puntata però è il duro scontro fra Daniele e Veronica a tenere banco. Nel finale fa il suo ingresso il surfista Gianluca Bedin per la contentezza di Sarah e Carmen, particolarmente attratte dal fisico del ragazzo.

George: «Carmela, mi vuoi sposare»
Il Principe fa il suo ingresso in studio e, visibilmente emozionato, annuncia la sua volontà di donare alla sua amata Carmela l'anello che suo padre aveva dato a sua madre. Di fronte alle perplessità della Marcuzzi, George chiarisce: «La mia scelta è di proseguire la mia vita con Carmela e continuare a fare il padre di mio figlio». Il Grande Fratello mostra le immagini di George che si reca a Catania per presentarsi ai genitori di Carmela: «E stato molto emozionante vedere il nuovo ragazzo di Carmela, mi ha fatto una buona impressione», ha commentato la madre, mentre il fratello della catanese assicura: «Stai tranquilla Carmela, if sgarra break his legs. "
Then the big moment: George has kept his word and returned to the house, asked her to marry her. With much of the engagement ring. "Listen: You love me, want to live with me? Will you marry me? This ring is for you, "said the prince at Carmela. The girl at the mercy of tears and passion, he replied "yes, yes."

More love: George meets his Giulia
There is another girl who was a spectator to continue courting his love: Julia, the girlfriend of George, always the subject of attention of Maicol and, in part, Carmen. The representative is called Venetian a sorpresa nella Stanza delle Tre Porte. Dietro una di queste c'è la sua fidanzata. Il ragazzo è orientato verso al porta blu, ma, forse anche un po' aiutato dal «nooo» del pubblico che si sente dallo studio, cambia idea e sceglie la bianca. Ad attenderlo c'era proprio Giulia e due si sono riabbracciati dopo molto tempo: «Me la metto nel trolley, tanto è piccola, Ale", ha detto il veneziano in lacrime alla conduttrice. I due si sono salutati con un «ti amo» appassionato con Maicol spettatore appasionato della scena d'amore.

Il confronto fra Mauro e Sarah
La tredicesima puntata ha visto il chiarimento definitivo tra Mauro e Sarah dopo che, in settimana, la napoletana ha restituito the ring from Treviso had given her. "How can you not understand that a person may like the first, and then not like most? It's not like when you like a person signs a contract. Mauro I've always liked, and I've always been nice, I wanted to know, then since I arrived here, I lived 24 hours on 24 ... it's funny, but not always, I am pleased to be with him, but not forever. I found that the ring is to bring him who reciprocates his feelings, not a person who has been disappointed. You have to give a person who can truly appreciate, "said Sarah. Mauro tries to replicate but Alfonso Signorini is rap opinion emphasizing that no longer looks nice as in the past.

attacks Veronica Daniel deleted "Go and do porn!" The two
to await the outcome of the televoting are Alessandro and Daniel. And 'it to come out with a very narrow percentage: 51%. The former broker origins Molise, but Milanese by adoption, having entered the House of Cinecitta during the fifth episode, said its elimination in the studio: "If was bothered by my ways of doing things is their problem."
But it is with that Daniel Veronica comes off as seen primae About Flirting with Veronica and the battle with Maximus, the boy said: "Dear Veronica, in hindsight I say that only now I realize that discussing con una persona come te, che purtroppo non è capace né di intendere né di volere, è impossibile». I toni si alzano mano a mano che il ragazzo prosegue: di fronte alle accuse della ballerina, che lo tacciava di vigliaccheria per non aver mai espresso le sue vere opinioni sul suo conto dentro la Casa, Daniele non le ha risparmiato invettive e offese: «Veronica vai a fare i film porno!», mandando la ballerina su tutte le furie e facendola scoppiare in un pianto disperato.

Nuovo ingresso: entra Gianluca, il surfista
Alessia Marcuzzi sottolinea che la decima edition of Big Brother has no limits, "will never end." And to demonstrate this, here is the input of Gianluca Bedin, thirty-six, born in Terracina but resident in Ibiza for a few years, fashion designer for women surfers and the sea. His entry, however, starts from the hovel where the boy can lead a competitor to keep him company: the choice is about Sarah, because "I love the girls buttery." The Neapolitan, who had already shown appreciation for the body shown in the video presentation, do not think twice to go down in the barn, for the occasion, has been transformed and decorated with lots of rich delicious dinner.

Nominate Sarah and Veronica, Mauro save Alessia
They leave the nomination. This time the favorite of the week, once again, Mauro, will not be immune, but at the end of the nomination, may decide to save himself or another competitor named. At the end of the confessionals, the three are named Alessia, Sarah and Veronica. Called the decision, Mauro Alessia also choose to save if you want very good to Veronica: "Because if I had sent Alessia against Sarah, Sarah would be saved, but I want to go home Sarah."

Sunday, January 17, 2010

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Sexy Naked Big Brother after the record of oral sex, pictures

Sexy Cora had tried to break the record of oral sex, rallying about 200 men in a local hard in Hamburg. The porn actress after "only" 75 volunteers had felt bad for a respiratory crisis and was forced to abandon the heroic but with a promise to try again. Almost a year after the failed leadership Cora came into the Big Brother 10 German and the situation begins to heat up incredibly.

The sexy competitor indeed decided to delight viewers by showing naked and as if this were not enough Cora has also touched the breast of another gieffina hand, Kristina, while trying to wear the slip, which is not easy when there's only a towel to cover you. He did not have any difficulty but the sexy porn actress in the nude show, dispensing advice on how to maintain a perfect body.

The erotic scene has seen as protagonists, however, two other tenants in Germany, because they too had no shame and they let go, perhaps influenced by the hot climate that is breathed into the bathroom. Before crossing the threshold of the reality show Cora had said mischievously: " I like men, I never quite " to secure his participation in the TV does not create any failure to do senso, visto che sono presenti ben 4 uomini, disposti sicuramente a soddisfare qualsiasi richiesta piccante della maggiorata.

Alessia Mancini

Saturday, January 16, 2010

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Big Brother 10: Veronica says, "I love you" to Sarah

Dopo un visibile distacco tra le due ragazze della casa del Grande Fratello, Veronica e Sarah, intravisto sin dallo scorso lunedì, che casualmente è andato a coincidere con il ritorno dalla Spagna del Pit, Massimo Scattarella, le due amiche sempre più intime, si riavvicinano e si confrontano sul loro rapporto.

La mora cubista e la bionda playmate, si parlano in maniera schietta e ipotizzano il loro rapporto una volta uscite dal reality. La coniglietta teme che il ragazzo che Veronica ha lasciato fuori, prima di entrare nella casa, possa rifarsi vivo , e chiede alla ragazza come si comporterà nel caso in cui dovesse ritornare da lei: gli darà un'altra possibilità oppure resterà ferma sulle sue decisioni, per rispetto del rapporto che tra le due si è venuto a consolidare sempre di più?

La risposta di Veronica è più che convincente: la mora afferma che l'unica forza che ha in questo momento, proviene proprio da Sarah, e che non ha nessuna intenzione di rinunciare al loro sentimento. Conclude con un " Ti amo ", seguito dalle lacrime. Sarah non contraccambia il ti amo, ma basta il suo abraccio e la promessa di restarle sempre accanto a capire che i sentimenti delle due ragazze sono più like that.

Emanuela Longo

Thursday, January 14, 2010

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Big Brother: Massimo causes Veronica "In Spain I have betrayed"

Revenge Massimo . Pitbull, seared by the troubled relationship with Veronica, Suranto his stay in the English house, he meditated a plan to make him pay, and now, agree with the GF, is organizing an insult to the Roman girl.

It seems to have got it right: Veronica, in fact, listen with a pinch of jealousy , the story of the Pit confesses to having had an affair with a boyfriend of Calabrian origins, hosted by the Great Hermano.Vedendo angry reaction Girl, Max's speech peppered with spicy details, adding even have to travel to Spain, once released from home, to work in the security program, which deals with the father of the mysterious girl.

It is definitely brought us closer to Veronica, but continues to plot in the shadows: Max wants revenge, and agree with Big Brother, is organizing an insult to the girl Pit is defined very taken by her and that it intends to review it when it comes out by the House. The brunette hard to believe, but Max knows how to be convincing, so much so that once that goes away, Veronica can not hide his jealousy and whispers to himself several times: "Well, I'm left speechless! ". There is a waterfall, the rest Maximus had "threatened" by wanting to have fun "!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

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Big Brother 10, and Veronica us 'or us'?

probably the tenth edition of Big Brother will go down in history as that of Veronica, but George, but Massimo Daniele or slow, since its entry into the home, has not gone weeks without that Veronica did not create stories and situations audience went crazy, there was no direct Monday, without comment that does not have anything interesting about her, or even be open without an appointment on Monday with his stories.

Entry after seven days since the program began in the company of Mauro, immediately attraction between her and Max, body-builder Puglia, until then twilight, in the house, if not for his size.

The two become a flirt incomprehensible, made by stop and start again, but mainly characterized by a lively verbal and physical, rather obvious. Massimo

not stand her way of dealing with the other boys, especially with Mauro, which seems to develop a liaison with ambiguous words and glances.

past few days and broke out a sensational case, which threatens to eliminate one or more children from the house. The beautiful Veronica, in fact, annoying as a gesture of Mauro, to say the very insignificant, accusing him of physical violence and verbal and what triggers a brawl almost physical activity among children, especially among and Massimo Mauro.

But Veronica is tired of both and starts a game of looks and gestures with the new tenant, Daniel. Between the two drags on, now, a certain sympathy ambiguous.

is not, however, all, for, in the meantime, Veronica begins to wink at nothing less than Sarah, one of the last competitors entered the house, and bloom between the two kisses and hugs unequivocal.

The result of these events is reflected in a climate of misunderstanding, inside the house of the GF, the true character of Veronica.

Many people wonder, finding no answer, or indeed if we're playing in front of the complex character of ten editions of Big Brother.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

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GF10, hot shower Sarah Nile, video

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GF10, Mauro is saved but Sarah prefers Veronica

Big Brother forgives them for the bickering of recent days but sends her off to the hovel. Carmen and George is arguing Maicol

Marin is safe and is still the favorite Italian . Big Brother has decided not to punish the butcher Treviso after the unfortunate altercation happened a few days ago with Sarah. The beautiful Naples, after having been severely provoked by Mauro that he threw the suitcase in the pool, she had slapped him. Inevitably the fatal quarrel between the two which was followed by an official of GF. The two threatened the elimination or severe pain. The verdict was given on the air: save both forced to stay after a week in the barn for her. After the news, Alessia Marcuzzi announced the result of remote voting on the index of satisfaction: for the umpteenth time Marin has been on the podium. And even the guys at home now he realized: "Mauro is really as a true showman. He does not want to show, "they commented. The love story between Sarah and Mauro seems to have come to an end. The two rarely spoke, and she now seems to have just in the heart Veronica, with whom to exchange days missing Sapphic effusions.

On the George ... "hands down by Ronchin"
has to be said. The Venetian has inadvertently made bell'adone massacre of hearts, fall in love by the two 'hottest heads "of reality: the volcanic Carmen and the hysterical Maicol both in the throes of continuous fit of jealousy. But he does not give up and not allowed anyone to become an "obscure object of desire" as he called Signorini on the air. Giorgio man-object, the beauty that does not take positions and who, with his shy and evasive attitude, was able to trigger a mechanism that is called "boomerang effect": both are unhealthily attached to him following the rule that in love wins escapes. And so è successo anche nella casa del Grande Fratello tanto da scatenare una rivalità tra Maicol e Carmen ma non solo. Qualche giorno fa Alessia, si è seduta sulle ginocchia di Giorgio scatenando la gelosia e l'ira funesta di Carmen. «Sembrava una scena dell'esorcista», ha commentato Signorini in studio. Il «Giorgio della discordia» ha deciso così di tagliare i ponti con Maicol dandogli un aut aut perché il suo comportamento ossessivo è diventato per lui insopportabile. Scampata anche questa settimana la nomination per i due veneti che continueranno la loro corsa verso il montepremi finale.

Eleonora Cazzaro

Sunday, January 10, 2010 Backdoor

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Thursday, January 7, 2010

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Video di orale, anche il Grande Fratello Ungherese diventa

Sesso a tutto spiano. Ce n'è per tutti gusti, soprattutto quando si tratta di reality show e di Grande Fratello. Dopo la notizia del sesso in pubblico nella versione finlandese del Grande Fratello, ora su Youtube è boom di visite per il video che mostra. 

L'inizio del video che sta facendo boom di visite sul sito internet Youtube mostra una coppia in atteggiamenti intimi su un letto, ma quando la telecamera si sposta dall'altro lato della stanza si capisce che l'episodio "scandaloso" sta accadendo su un altro letto.

Uno dei concorrenti della casa del Grande Fratello si spoglia e si stende sul letto, osservato a sexy blonde who immediately rushes him with fierce intent to seduce him.

few moments and begins his performance at the bottom of dark boy, then comes the usual blanket on him to cover the scene. All this while the preliminaries of the other pair go on SEZA problems: Gf room transformed into a kind of brothel.

Monday, January 4, 2010

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Gf10, Marco è eliminato,Maicol furibondo con Giorgio

White as snow in recent days. So he made Alessia Marcuzzi queen of Italy's best loved reality TV: Big Brother. And, as said Alfonso Signorini, "with a skirt (silver) shorter and shorter." Marco is out game, you save Daniel and George. Bet Maicol and starring on the show. The quarrel between him and George seems to be tough.

Amendola and company in the House
It starts with a sketch along with Amendola, Catania and Mainardi center of the new police drama aired on Channel 5 on Friday night (All for Bruno). Then, finally the secret is revealed about the absence of Carmela and Massimo. In fact, the Marcuzzi links to Spain, where it airs Gran Hermano, the Iberian version of Big Brother: The two competitors are there. Basite faces of his companions remained at Cinecitta, but also many smiles and lots of screaming (as usual, in other words). Carmela, the most straightforward: "Here in Spain carinissimi con noi, ci troviamo molto bene, ma ci mancate tutti". E via gli applausi.

La fan di Maicol

Maicol in brodo di giuggiole quando Amendola, prima di abbandonare la Casa del Grande Fratello gli dice: "Ti saluta Francesca". Lui: "Chi, tua figlia?". Amendola: "No, mi moglie" (così in romanesco). Il giovane ferarrese a quel punto non capisce più nulla e corre verso l'attore "de fiction" gridando "Allora mandale un bacio da parte mia". Lui, una volta raggiunto si ferma, gli stringe la mano (ma senza baciarlo, nonostante lo slancio del concorrente) e aggiunge: "Lei e mio figlio sono pazzi di te". E via a cinguettare come non mai.

Maicol show
George is the first to be saved to the phones and mobiles. Maicol starts crying with emotion. But then when they hear the comments George made Confessional changes his mind and becomes hard drive so that the question of Marcuzzi want to say something, he replied: "By George I do not speak anymore." It seems that Maicol remained upset because he discovered that George Carmen prefer him now for good. Some words of George, such as "Maicol is sometimes more of a suffocating girlfriend" does not seem to have been like. So he goes on a rampage, gets up from the couch, remote insult his "beloved" giving way to a real Maicol show. Cristina says, "'an ignorant, a fool, does not deserve my attention, but as a closed should just go in. ... "Carmen:" Save it, Save it to you I do not want it. "He, George, meanwhile sits still. Maicol behind a train of friends. He is furious.

After the storm

Then comes the explanation. Maicol: "I am so angry because I sincerely and I was given." The Marcuzzi not understand. He: "I tell you that two months the relationship between me and him and that he and Carmen is very different, but George says no. But I know it's so. "Then the explanation. Everything is attached to a bracelet, or rather two. Maicol:" Yesterday I broke a bracelet that Mara gave to George He did it fix now and then if by Alberto recovered. The same thing has not happened with what I got I long ago: After one day broke and has not done more to adjust so much that I kept it in my suitcase. "Roar in the studio, the public is not satisfied This explanation is hungry for more. In fact he is jealous of Mara, is clear.

Marco is out of desperation and tears
Marco, "the youngest competitor in the history of Big Brother, said the Marcuzzi , greets his fellow travelers. "You taught me so much, so much," he said while watching the red door gains. In tears and Alberto Mara (that desperate sobs). She: "I gave the company even at times when I was down, I will miss."