Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sound Blaster Live Ct4780driver Xp

Il piede d'atleta: che cos'è e come si cura

Il piede d'atleta , detto Tinea Pedis , è un'infezione che si sviluppa sul piede e colpisce soprattutto le persone che indossano spesso scarpe con la suola di gomma, che non lasciano traspirare sufficientemente il piede. Si tratta di una malattia che colpisce prevalentemente gli sportivi: calciatori, corridori, nuotatori, ma anche coloro che devono indossare scarpe di sicurezza nel lavoro, come operai e poliziotti. 

La Tigna è un fungo della pelle che può esistere in diverse forme: Tinea facialis (cute, labbra e volto), Tinea corporis (gambe, braccia, tronco e collo), Tinea cruris (inguine, pubis and thighs), Tinea manuum (one hand), onychomycosis (nails), dermatophytosis of hair and hair follicles.

Athlete's foot may manifest as:

  • interdigital, the space between the third and fourth toe, with flaking skin, dry skin or very wet if it is serious. E 'characterized by intense burning pain and itching, or feeling a bite of insect. Sometimes it has an unpleasant smell.
  • hyperkeratotic develops in both feet, in the arch support, heel and the board. The skin becomes rosacea and scaly, whitish. This form is often asymptomatic, in important cases by itching and pain.
  • Vescicoloampollosa, only about a foot and spread over the longitudinal inner side and the PA in the fingers. It features red plaques with vesicles that dries to scabs and wounds, providing pain and heartburn.
Athlete's foot does not just affect athletes or certain categories of workers, but it is quite common among the elderly, diabetics, people with circulatory problems in legs or feet. The ease of development is given by walking barefoot in damp such as swimming pools, showers, saunas, use of rubber shoes anti-breathable, warm and humid climates, from the wounds of the skin and nails.
Who athlete's foot can infect other people so hygiene is essential. E ', do not use common towels can spread the fungus in other areas of the body, and wash and disinfect if injured.
Athlete's foot can be prevented with little attention paid:
  • always wear clean socks
  • always dry your feet after washing, even between the fingers
  • check the health of their feet, such as the presence wounds or cuts
  • use socks made of natural fibers that allow the transpiration of the foot, and shoes with breathable soles
  • if you have poor circulation is well train the foot and sprinkle well by doing gymnastics
  • not to walk naked in the pool, sauna, hotel rooms
  • always use the showers to wash his feet in public pool
  • if any family member has a fungus not never walk barefoot at home or use common towels
  • linen should be washed at 60 ° C to eliminate all fungi and bacteria and prevent the spread to other parts of the body.
care must be performed correctly with the appropriate antifungal drugs. We often underestimate this type of infection that becomes chronic because you do not make the care of properly. In athlete's foot fungus penetrates the layer corneum of the skin, in the same area where the drugs act. Care needs to be done for a few weeks, so that the fungus, trapped in the stratum corneum, may escape with skin peeling, when the skin will regenerate new cells. If treatment is interrupted before the infection will not stop, because the fungus has not yet escaped, but remained inside.

One of the drugs used to treat 's foot athlete is Canesten Unido , with 1% Bifonazole.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Kates Playground Majorwager

... Talk to me ...

must meet the light of your eyes, now that the reason
with scornful eyes, full
mocks my defeat!
Your Language
honey must speak for me and say why I chose you!

The reason is so severe at the trial, dressed
darkest of his garments: you will be silent
you, my lawyer?
No, radiant angel, speak for me,
explains why I've thrown away the world.

Why so stubbornly
I avoided the common path that everyone followed,
because I traveled a road of unknown
ignoring at the same time power and wealth -
garlands of flowers and the glory of pleasure.

once seemed divine creatures;
might once have heard my vows, and their altars
saw my offerings;
but without love gifts are appreciated, and my
were rightly despised.

With a ready heart I swore
to ignore their stone altars;
I dedicated my spirit to adore you
creature, ghost, omnipresent
my slave, my partner and my king.

Schiavo, because you still government
you bend to my will that wants change,
appreciate your good or bad influence:
mate, because the night
and the day you are my intimate delight, -

Pena beloved that rips and tears and wounds
tears blurring
a cry of joy for me every earthly care;
however, the king, although prudence taught
your slave to rebel.

'm wrong if I bow down to worship
where faith is not doubt, nor hope despair,
as my own soul can answer the prayer?
Speak, God of visions, speak for me,
explains why I chose you! Emily Jane Brontë

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Milena Velba Breast With Man

emotions ... Young ...

Prisoner of myself ... I lived in the shadow of idealism that charm with wise circuit my mind leaving me dazed and almost without a clear vision of life ...
... groping proceeded with gait uncertain and doubtful ...
hesitant like a little girl who still trembles on his legs take their first steps towards an unknown world, dark ...
... then a hand was stretched out before me ...
... strong, decisive, firm and gentle male ...
... was your ...
... and I are hanging on ...
... surprised and fascinated beautifully ...
... so mesmerized by feel ...
... although still fearful for new sensations ...
... every day more pleasantly engaged in a different view of life ...
... it is friendship, love, love is feeling no matter ...
... and that counts!


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

How Anyone In Canada Bought Airsoft From Usa?

There is a moment that comes after the struggles, hopes, despairs, after wins and after losses, in a man realizes that what remains is only its strength.
too insistently the events of the feelings they fold in on themselves, trying to perpetuate subtle torture games or when time has removed all meaning.
Yes, passing all possible experiences, there is a time in which a man realizes he's left alone with his own strength.
A force that can do things which it itself, then, may no longer be remedied; a force that wants to go beyond their limits.
must be why that one night recently, I returned to the lighted square of yellow, and I threw back my lighter in the belly of the machine.
I knew that the vacuum tirricelliano, tangles, the intestines, relentless monsters I did not have returned a second time.
Why the universe operates according to rules that you can not replace the perennial exceptions, such as being made to take my lighter irreducible.
I greeted with a final sequence of ritual gestures to summon his flame, and until the last he tried to resist.
E 'was last cigarette of the great emotional farewell which only will make sense.
Then I abandoned the occult chews large stomach of steel, forest components apparentementi inexplicable as the stubbornness of my lighter not to be loved.
Only an immense force, and temporary, has allowed me to do it: I still lacked the strength to pull off, and that was not siffuciente, then, to overcome the thing done.
Several times I tried, then to retrieve it, and still I try, from time to time.
Mi graffio, mi ferisco, nel cieco tentativo di estrarlo di nuovo dal ventre della macchina - e ho recuperato una quantità di oggetti senza valore, talloncini d'autostrada, caramelle, minutaglie, che il ventre mi restituisce con ironia, continuando a tenersi il mio accendino.
E soprattutto adesso, esaurite tutte le esperienze possibili, dopo che sono stato costretto a distruggerlo - soprattutto adesso che non l'ho più posso affermare che quello era l'accendino della mia vita.
Ciò non mi impedisce di averne altri, di poco prezzo, da dimenticare sui tavolini subito dopo averli comprati -- o, meglio, da gettare anch'essi nel ventre della macchina, pera dare a lui un po' di compagnia; perchè I now know was a good man and good man, I discovered, does not pay its bills in the currency of loyalty.
That is redemptive for the faithless.
A good man pays to the end with the suffering of any solitary time that hopes to survive the immense responsibility not a done deal - and it survives, mutes and moves on.
pains fade away, the regrets are mixed, the outlines of the memory fade.
And then stuns and satisfies, this mystery of a life as the greatest of all his pieces together.

"The belly of the machine" Sandro Veronesi

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Big Penis And Lady Doctors

... Yo no necesito tiempo ...

time I do not need to know how you are:
know is lightning.
Who will you
known as quiet or in those words
it shut?
The search you
life you are living, no more than allusions
know you, where you hide
pretexts. Go

tailing back on what you've done before, add
action with a smile,
years with names will be missing out
. I do not.
I met you in the storm.
I knew, suddenly, in that tear
's brutal
darkness and light, which reveals

escaping the bottom up and noce.
I saw you, I've seen, and now, naked and the ambiguity

of history, past,
you, Amazon in the spark, beating newly

arrival no wait,
are as old mine, you
conoczo so long,
that your love I close my eyes and walk without missing
blindly, without asking anything in that light
slow and sure
with known letters and forms
accounts and thrown
and is believed
you see who are you, my invisible.

(Pedro Salinas you da La voce che devo)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Open Bag Combination Lock

... He's stronger than me ...

One and a half and I do not moves
half past one and now I go

are caught are cooked as I've tanned
half past one and it's torture
you're out there and you are there six
wherever you are still in the middle

is stronger than I love this game
you can just watch how it ends
is stronger than I love this game
this cage of nerves and taste and smell good

half past four and the glass sweating
what we plan on?
you than me with this so as not to be

back that she was giving it his all, but always brings you face are too many
me and her in this bed

is stronger than I love this game
you can just watch how it ends

is stronger me love this game
this cage of nerves and taste and smell good

for better or for worse
eye of the storm for better or for worse

us part

night until half past seven, and always around but
do not turn the thoughts
six wherever you're still
disease and treatment and who knows if

sleep now and maybe not come back wherever you are still around six

is più forte di me questo gioco d’amore
si può solo guardare come va a finire
è più forte di me questo gioco d’amore
questa gabbia di nervi e gusto e buon odore

nel bene nel male
nell’occhio del ciclone
nel male nel bene
finchè notte ci separi


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Wikipedia Hannah Montana

Fades ... ...

Talvolta mi sento come una immagine in dissolvenza...
Che lentamente sfuma...
Per giungere all'immagine vuota...
Prosciugando ogni energia che si ha in corpo...


Monday, December 13, 2010

What Happened To ?

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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Mini Horse Water Food Feeder

... Thoughts ...

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sell Supplements License

... Flying ...


this sky so blue and clear

address the smiling face and calm

the sun. .. My mind

and finally

peaceful in this world goes wild

and again ...
skin feels warm


wise under the light touches

flooded me and I glow with
... They run

sensations down my spine

button and be alive ... I get drunk


wonder and with eyes gleaming

run after
thoughts and new emotions ...
E '
only a matter of time ... Only a few short

period and will fly again


beautiful again ...
the expression of my

true ...


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Working As A Dishwasher In A Restaurant

you look near

admire you as the water
slips into a thousand rivulets

on the beach of life, often bittersweet

and ruthless ... You've come suddenly

unexpected and welcome you here in the element

mother always: the sea ...

as I slowly discover the seabed

look you love and live ...
Shoot down all my barriers with skillful

emotion ... Conquering

be something that you know your ... Your

simple and complicated nature,
your being as you are

the devastating power of these waves

I suck
Posses ... I feel free

in your words

I get lost and is great!

I wrap with your arms

immense sea and special ... Fearful

and powerful at the same time ... Again

free to express

to unleash its power

tremor in his voice ... What

me like a siren charms ...

so you never confine

never dominated

yet so seemingly docile


and I feel you all around my body

this immense feeling helpless

and I am still speechless

only once deep feelings

e così scatenanti
che nulla
di altro
mi interessa
se non osservarti
nel tuo ipnotico
Nella tua danza
il piacere
pervade ogni fibra
per rinascere
nello spirito
e nella carne
e nel sangue
che scorre
la nuova vita...

Sunday, December 5, 2010

How To Make Thick Hair Less Poofy

Cry ... Venus ...

Pianga Venere, piangano Amore
e tutti gli uomini gentili:
è morto il passero del mio amore,
morto il passero che il mio amore
amava più degli occhi suoi.
Dolcissimo, la riconosceva
come una bambina la madre,
non si staccava dal suo grembo,
le saltellava intorno
e soltanto per lei cinguettava.
Ora se ne va per quella strada oscura
da cui, giurano, non torna nessuno.
Siate maledette, maledette tenebre
dell'Orco che ogni cosa bella divorate:
una delizia di passero m'avete strappato.
Maledette, passerotto infelice:
ora per te gli occhi, perle del mio amore,
si arrossano un poco, gonfi di pianto.
(Gaio Valerio Catullo)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Osiris Bronx Blue/red White

Michelle Hunziker sexy per GQ

Hunziker was recently in the news for a much more serious. In the course of an investigation conducted by his satirical TG, Michelle had in fact told of how, at just 17 years, had been the victim of stalking by a self-styled manager.

A bad experience that he wanted to tell the presenter to warn young girls that look in the show.

Michelle, of Swiss origin, he worked hard not only in Italy, even in Germany where he also conducted a show in the wake of our bet that. And abroad, Michelle seems to be more ready to show that sensual side of his character which, however, tends to hide in our house, though not with much success.

Normal Hemoglobin Low Iron

Bar Refaeli davvero difficile resisterle - video

The beautiful Israeli model, muse Sports Illustrated and lingerie brand American Victoria's Secret winks sensually on a sofa in shooting in black and white and further enhance its forms
only with a sheet to cover the most intimate parts, Bar Refaeli, posing naked in a video, that promotes un evento artistico in Israle, il suo Paese d'origine. Curve sinuose, sguardo ammaliante e un corpo statuario. Leo Di Caprio, il fidanzato, è sicuramente uno degli uomini più invidiati della terra.


Counter Offer Letter To Insurance Companies

Force Foxes belle mogli e fidanzate di militari

Mogli e fidanzate celebri insomma in Inghilterra si danno proprio da fare. Vivere nell'ombra dei propri partner famosi non piace insomma alle wags britanniche e allora perché non sfruttare la fama dei coniugi per mettersi in mostra? Se poi lo si fa anche per una giusta causa...
Nella corsa al calendario più sexy per il 2011 entrano in pista anche le 12 belle mogli e fidanzate di militari e personale delle Forze Armate inglesi. In un lunario tutto in bianco e nero le sexy wags, che si fanno chiamare "Forces Foxes", posano in lingerie provocante per beneficenza. Il ricavato sarà interamente devoluto ad associazioni militari che si occupano di invalidi di guerra.

Le 12 bellezze, le Forces Foxes, sono state immortalate dal fotografo Mick Payton e il calendario ha trovato nel Club di rugby londinese Wasp e nel suo ricco proprietario Steve Hayes, un generoso sponsor.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Should You Get Taxoplasmosis More Than Once

... Like the sweet apple ... Sappho Sappho

Come la mela dolce rosseggia
sull'alto del ramo,
alta sul ramo più alto:
la scordarono i coglitori.
No, certo non la scordarono:
non poterono raggiungerla.


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Men With Shavedpickers


La divina Saffo, l’Hagné, considerata una grande poetessa, nasce nell’isola di Lesbo (Grecia) a Ereso nel 640 A.C. da Scafandro e Cleide, due appartenenti ad una nobile famiglia dell’alta borghesia greca, e muore circa nel 570 A.C. a Leucade. Non è dato di sapere la data precisa della sua morte né la causa: si sostiene (ma è leggenda) che si sia suicidata a causa di un amore non corrisposto verso un giovane, Faone, gettandosi in tarda età da un faro dell’isola di Lefkada, vicino la spiaggia di Porto Katsiki. Ebbe 3 fratelli, Larico, Erigio, Carasso. Ad un’amante di quest’ultimo, Dorica, dedicò un’ode perché essa contribuì a far sperperare la fortuna di famiglia al fratello.

Venne descritta come una donna bella ed aggraziata dal fascino raffinato, dolce e sublime anche se molti sostennero la tesi della sua poca avvenenza fisica.

Molti scrittori uomini e di cultura non vollero riconoscere l’importanza e la forte influenza che ebbero sui suoi scritti i suoi diversi amori omosessuali. L’amore omosessuale per lei costituì un normale percorso educativo che, come Lei, tutte le ragazze frequentatrici del Tiaso percorrevano per raggiungere una formazione culturale completa sia artistica, sia musicale e sia sociale. In Grecia era di norma tale percorso prevedeva anche attraverso l’iniziazione all’amore omosessuale, e che non pregiudicava ma bensì completava il futuro amore eterosessuale.

Dal fraintendimento di questo ruolo nel contesto storico-culturale si diede origine ai termini “amore saffico o amore lesbico” per indicare l’amore omosessuale femminile.

Trascorre la prima parte della sua vita seguendo i suoi genitori in Sicilia in esilio per motivi politici (la caduta dei Cleanattidi). When it rises to the realm Pittaco, he returned to Greece, while not sharing the work of the ruling or the imposition of economic restrictions the life of the wealthier classes of those years devoted to the often wasteful and the absolute splendor.

Board in Mytilene, where he will live most of the rest of her life, she had a habit of getting together with other women in a sort of intellectual coterie called Tiaso, dedicated to the worship of Aphrodite and Muse.

He married and had a daughter to whom he dedicated some verses.

Nel Tiaso le riunioni oscillavano tra il sacro ed il profano; in queste la poetessa esercitava il fascino della sua superiorità spirituale, educando le giovani appartenenti alle classi ricche ed aristocratiche greche alla vita collettiva, con il rituale del canto e della danza per poi condurle fino al momento del loro matrimonio.

Il suo ruolo era di direttrice educativa e da questo suo ruolo dal sodalizio che istaura con le sue ragazze nasce la poesia.

Quando il loro destino si compiva al termine del percorso educativo nell’animo di Saffo nasceva l’amarezza del distacco che si può ben riscontrare nei suoi versi ricchi di emozioni.

O mia Gòngila, ti prego

metti la tunica bianchissima

e vieni a me davanti: intorno a te

vola desiderio d’amore.

Così adorna, fai tremare chi guardia;

e io ne godo, perché la tua bellezza

rimprovera Afrodite.

Con questi versi dedicati volle esaltare la bellezza della giovine Gòngila, Saffo inizia la sua produzione di quel periodo.

Ad un’altra fanciulla Arignota, che la poetessa dichiarò bella come la luna tra gli astri e che finì sposa ad un uomo facoltoso che la portò lontano da Mitilene dedicò tutto il suo struggimento per la nostalgia e l’amarezza del distacco , Wrote this passage:

"I would be dead, you know, really,"

was so undone by the leave

And he spoke he spoke: "Oh, Sappho,

what we feel is terrible!

not I who I want when I leave, "

e io le rispondevo: addio,

su, vai, e ricordati di me,

perché lo sai come ti seguivamo:

e se no – allora io lo voglio

che ti ricordi, perché tu dimentichi-

com’era bello, ciò che provavo,

quante corone di viole

ti posavi sul capo, with me,

rose, saffron, sage, chervil,

and how many garlands intertwined

for your tender neck

made of flowers of spring ...

Watching, helpless spectator, the happy life of his beloved pupil with the bridegroom, Sappho, describes its disruption, its profound shock, given by the jealousy of his compositions was born as the ode, which is considered his masterpiece and a masterpiece of erotic poetry.

It seems very similar to the gods

The man who sits before you

And you listen, you talk closely


e ridi, col tuo fascino, e così

il cuore nel mio petto ha sussultato,

ti ho gettato uno sguardo e tutt’a un tratto

non ho più voce,

no, la mia lingua è come spezzata,

all’improvviso un fuoco lieve è corso

sotto la pelle, i miei occhi non vedono,

my ears are ringing,

runs a sweat and a trembling seizes me

whole, and are paler than grass,

is missing as if so little

to be dead;

well I have to force myself.

Sappho's writing has an introspective character, its mood is intimate and interior of purely female, folded in on itself, but creates a poetic world in which delimited the male figure is taking the power away from the beauty and warmth offered by nature, the sights. This causes her to comply with an almost childlike astonishment giving it the ability to appreciate the beauty, grace and grace so typical of women.

His literary output is composed of nine books, many of whom come to us in an incomplete manner.

The stretch common characteristic of its output, which makes her unique technique is the dawning of a soul feeling thirsty of love and beauty that embraces all people and things and all ... ...

your note pad hate is in the ability to bring scenes of daily life transfiguration in fantasy, in which triumphs harmony and balance between the colors, beauty, light, love and pictures.

Sappho lived nature as a sacred entity. The admiration for it is a stimulus to a representation and interpretation as a moment of silence e contemplazione.

Il suo parlare è armonioso e riguarda:

  • La solitudine che vive come una notte senza luna e senza stelle che riflette la solitudine del suo animo;

E’ tramontata la luna, e le Pleiadi;

e la notte è a metà, ed il tempo trapassa,

and I can rest in solitude.

  • The death is like a garden where serenity reigns with wildflower meadows and wet with dew;

It takes me a desire to die,

and see the banks dell'Acheronte

covered with dew, the lotus flower.

  • The love that she represents the most powerful of human emotions, which holds a key role in the life and of which the main theme of his compositions. Love has many shades from the maternal, that swept away by passion, to the most naive adolescent. Still loving feelings in relation to the poet in his writings most intense and inspiring brings out the strength and appearance vehicle for the deep psychological analysis.

  • The Muses and Aphrodite, but especially the latter appears frequently invoked in his odes as representing the positive presence, there is an entire song dedicated to traditional bill but innovative content and not based on religion but rather by direct interaction between the Goddess and the Poet. Almost made a pact of complicity feminine to offset any distance between the divine and the human being.

immortal Aphrodite from the throne colorful,

daughter of Zeus, insidious, I beg you,

not destroy the heart of disgust,

Lady, and anxiety,

but come here as you came again,

heard my voice from far away,

and out of the house of gold

of your Father:

you took the carriage and graceful birds fast

you wore the black earth

thick waving wings down from heaven

among air,

and were already there: and thou, O happy,

smile from your face immortal ,

I still suffer because you asked,

called again,

that most of this heart

insane desire "who want hours

convinced that love you? Sappho, tell me,

who hurts you?

If now escapes you, you soon will,

if you do not want your gifts will do it,

se non ti ama presto ti amerà,

anche se non vorrai”.

Vieni anche adesso, toglimi di pena.

Ciò che il cuore desidera che avvenga,

fa’ tu che avvenga. Sii proprio tu

la mi alleata.

Another feature of the production of Sappho was the strong presence of eroticism, often subject to censorship in recent times because of social and cultural modern.

In Hellenistic production, since the days of Homer, Eros, was well established in various aspects of culture, but more recently with the advent of Christianity and Judaism and was made to purge censorship ...

E 'should be mentioned as in the world of ancient Greece the concept of morale was very different from the current one, just think as the current company will put the still sort of taboo to Eros, the Greek culture while it was tied to religion and lived as a ritual celebration of fertility and mystery.

There was a clear separation of sexual orientation.

Freedom of eroticism in culture is also attested by Plato's dialogues, as well as in many comedies of Aristophanes, but it appears that with Sappho and is represented as a simple expression of female eroticism of eros legitimately lived a normal feature of Greek culture. This is il motivo per il quale cantò con schiettezza l’amore che rivolgeva verso le sue alunne del Tiaso senza nessun ipocrita pudore proprio in base alla diversa moralità di quel tempo.

Mentre Saffo fu esaltata o meglio la sua fama e la sua produzione ragguagliando quasi quella di Omero, nel periodo in cui fu più ammirata fu pure denigrata aspramente (vedi Orazio che la definì in maniera infangante “Mascula”).

Trai suoi ammiratori si rilevano Platone, Teofrasto, Plutarco, i quali scrissero di Lei come di persona bella saggia aggraziata e mossa dall’ardore del cuore.

Grazia e soavità e passione tratti distintivi dell’opera di Saffo.

Chiaramente femminile il suo ardore coinvolgeva tutto quello che la circondava tanto da poterla a buon ragione considerare la più grande poetessa di tutti i tempi per la sua immensa capacità di cantare il sentimento dell’amore… Con purezza e sincerità lo canta offrendone una immagine semplice ma appassionata, e con spunti di riflessione ed analisi delle emozioni provate e passate, e suscitandone di nuove e forti talmente intense da avere ripercussioni anche fisiche.

Ps. Ho deciso che editerò un sunto della vita dei principali scrittori che amo con la benevola collaborazione di un amico che ha deciso più o meno liberamente di darmi una mano e di questo lo ringrazio...
Edito questi scritti perchè voglio rinfrescare quello che so e che ricerco tra testi e notizie varie per fare un omaggio a coloro che amo da sempre e che apprezzo saranno una serie di scritti diversi e non pretendo che vengano condivisi solo un tributo a chi ha saputo emozionarmi e emozionare molte altre anime come la mia che so che esistono anche in questo ambiente virtuale... ringrazio chi avrà la gentilezza di leggere... Back

Kamehasutra The Time Of Machine

Pirelli 2011 Il calendario si è ispirato all’Olimpo

Le fotografie in bianco e nero che accompagneranno the next 2011 are truly legendary. And inspired by the classic myths, the greek. With sculpted models that have nothing to envy to the statues according to the canons of classical beauty.

Daria Werbowy seductive as Artemis, Iris Strubegger ready for war as Athena and Julianne Moore as was jealous. Could only be called Mythology created by the 2011 Pirelli calendar photographer and designer Karl Lagerfeld. For steps in fact was inspired by Olympus and its gods, heroes and ancestral myths. "I wanted something different, a message of timeless beauty and youth," says Lagerfeld.

View photos

High Cervix And Creamy Cm?

Francesca Fioretti seducente e fatale

And her seductive blonde Neapolitan true, did not miss any opportunity. How can we forget the hot shots with Fabrizio Corona, a publication that was very angry poor Belen "jealousy was a normal woman, I understand," says Francesca. But it's water under the bridge: "Fabrizio is a very intelligent person, despite what they say in and around Belen also ...". So much, too much ado about nothing.

Her beauty and sex appeal does not go unnoticed, and many major brands have competing for the sensuous curves of the beautiful Naples, that her role as femme fatal said: "They are gifts with which we are born, not made femme fatale. For me posing in lingerie or bikinis and be sensual is something natural

Francesca Fioretti crowned Stepford Wives on Maxim