Wednesday, December 29, 2010

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Il piede d'atleta: che cos'è e come si cura

Il piede d'atleta , detto Tinea Pedis , è un'infezione che si sviluppa sul piede e colpisce soprattutto le persone che indossano spesso scarpe con la suola di gomma, che non lasciano traspirare sufficientemente il piede. Si tratta di una malattia che colpisce prevalentemente gli sportivi: calciatori, corridori, nuotatori, ma anche coloro che devono indossare scarpe di sicurezza nel lavoro, come operai e poliziotti. 

La Tigna è un fungo della pelle che può esistere in diverse forme: Tinea facialis (cute, labbra e volto), Tinea corporis (gambe, braccia, tronco e collo), Tinea cruris (inguine, pubis and thighs), Tinea manuum (one hand), onychomycosis (nails), dermatophytosis of hair and hair follicles.

Athlete's foot may manifest as:

  • interdigital, the space between the third and fourth toe, with flaking skin, dry skin or very wet if it is serious. E 'characterized by intense burning pain and itching, or feeling a bite of insect. Sometimes it has an unpleasant smell.
  • hyperkeratotic develops in both feet, in the arch support, heel and the board. The skin becomes rosacea and scaly, whitish. This form is often asymptomatic, in important cases by itching and pain.
  • Vescicoloampollosa, only about a foot and spread over the longitudinal inner side and the PA in the fingers. It features red plaques with vesicles that dries to scabs and wounds, providing pain and heartburn.
Athlete's foot does not just affect athletes or certain categories of workers, but it is quite common among the elderly, diabetics, people with circulatory problems in legs or feet. The ease of development is given by walking barefoot in damp such as swimming pools, showers, saunas, use of rubber shoes anti-breathable, warm and humid climates, from the wounds of the skin and nails.
Who athlete's foot can infect other people so hygiene is essential. E ', do not use common towels can spread the fungus in other areas of the body, and wash and disinfect if injured.
Athlete's foot can be prevented with little attention paid:
  • always wear clean socks
  • always dry your feet after washing, even between the fingers
  • check the health of their feet, such as the presence wounds or cuts
  • use socks made of natural fibers that allow the transpiration of the foot, and shoes with breathable soles
  • if you have poor circulation is well train the foot and sprinkle well by doing gymnastics
  • not to walk naked in the pool, sauna, hotel rooms
  • always use the showers to wash his feet in public pool
  • if any family member has a fungus not never walk barefoot at home or use common towels
  • linen should be washed at 60 ° C to eliminate all fungi and bacteria and prevent the spread to other parts of the body.
care must be performed correctly with the appropriate antifungal drugs. We often underestimate this type of infection that becomes chronic because you do not make the care of properly. In athlete's foot fungus penetrates the layer corneum of the skin, in the same area where the drugs act. Care needs to be done for a few weeks, so that the fungus, trapped in the stratum corneum, may escape with skin peeling, when the skin will regenerate new cells. If treatment is interrupted before the infection will not stop, because the fungus has not yet escaped, but remained inside.

One of the drugs used to treat 's foot athlete is Canesten Unido , with 1% Bifonazole.


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